Friday, January 15, 2010

When Disaster Strikes...

Today I got the news that my grandparents are still alive but 5 of my relatives passed away in the terrible 7.0 earthquake that destroyed my parents homeland Haiti. I don't know how to feel I just know want to feel numb because everything thing feels bittersweet. I'm grateful for my family and my loved ones, I'm happy with school, I got a new part time job yesterday at a theatre and I'm even off to see a movie now but so many things just don't feel right :(

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Hump Day

It's the end of week 2 at school today, my girlfriend is going to Cali tomorrow and Book of Eli comes out Friday (there's a midnight show Thursday evening) and I'm tempted to watch the first 3 movies from the Hughes Brothers before I peep it since this is there first movie in 9 years. I'm hoping to roll with my friend Karl since we both saw there last movie, From Hell, in the theaters back in '01, which I still have the movie ticket for! Even my cousin Dom let me know he's interested in seeing it with me. And I almost forgot it's my friend Nancy's annual birthday outing this saturday as Tasca. It's only halfway through the week and rest of it already full!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Paper Chase!

So today I bought 2 types of printing paper, for digital and film, and tonight will be getting one more pack of bond paper for business, all the while NESOP is taking all of my favorite type of paper, green cotton & linen! I sure hope I know what I'm doing...

Friday, January 8, 2010

Pay Day

I finally got some money to buy some equipment this weekend. That being said I am once again broke and living off credit. Let's hope I can save some money up this year, on a consistent basis, and not dip into my savings!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Make Or Break Day!

The day I've been waiting for has come. I will finally get to take a business course at NESOP. This is one of the main reasons I decided to enroll so I hope it lives up to my expectations. I've been told this class will be very basic but we will have to speak up and ask questions to get the most out of it so we shall see...A while back last year I signed up for a workshop business class called "The Leap" but it was cancelled because I was the only person who wanted to take the class. I wonder if I would've ever enrolled if I had ever gotten the chance to take it. Similar to that, this morning, I was reminiscing about how life was when i first moved to Central and wondered how things would have been if I had moved after one year back in '08. Either way I realized that this isn't the place it used to be 3 years ago...Well hopefully if NESOP doesn't keep me broke I can finally break out this year. Until then I will have to do the best with what I have and where I'm at. And even though I have become familiar with it I do still love Cambridge so at least that hasn't changed too much. See you on the next one. peace!

Monday, January 4, 2010

School's In For Winter

It's back to grind once again. Term 2 starts today NESOP. (I started last Oct. 4th and went for 10 weeks finishing Dec 18th.) We are finally going to be using film and most importantly taking business classes this term. This is the make or break semester. I hope to get what I was looking for at the school. I will keep you posted so stay tuned. peace!